javascript 中的代理是一个特殊的对象,它允许您自定义另一个对象上的基本操作(例如,属性查找、赋值、枚举、函数调用等)的行为。这就像有一个淘气的中间人可以拦截并改变与物体的交互。
验证: 通过验证分配来确保数据完整性。
默认值: 访问属性时提供默认值。
虚拟属性: 定义对象上物理上不存在的属性。
let timmy = { cookies: 3 }; let overprotectiveParent = new Proxy(timmy, { get(target, property) { console.log(`Overprotective Parent: "Timmy currently has ${target[property]} ${property}."`); return target[property]; }, set(target, property, value) { if (property === 'cookies' && value > 5) { console.log('Overprotective Parent: "No, Timmy, you can’t have more than 5 cookies!"'); return false; } console.log(`Overprotective Parent: "Alright, Timmy, you can have ${value} ${property}."`); target[property] = value; return true; } }); // Checking Timmy's cookies console.log(overprotectiveParent.cookies); // Overprotective Parent: "Timmy currently has 3 cookies." // Trying to give Timmy too many cookies overprotectiveParent.cookies = 6; // Overprotective Parent: "No, Timmy, you can’t have more than 5 cookies!" // Setting a reasonable number of cookies overprotectiveParent.cookies = 4; // Overprotective Parent: "Alright, Timmy, you can have 4 cookies." console.log(overprotectiveParent.cookies); // Overprotective Parent: "Timmy currently has 4 cookies."