function rolldie(numsides = 6) { return math.floor(math.random() * numsides) + 1; }
function greet(person, msg = 'hey there', punc = '!') { return `${msgs}, ${person}${punc}`; }
spread 语法允许在需要零个或多个参数(对于函数调用)或元素(对于数组文字)的地方扩展可迭代对象,例如数组,或者在需要零个或多个键的地方扩展对象表达式需要 - 值对(对于对象文字)。 -mdn
console.log(math.max(null, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2)); // 5 const nums = [4, 3, 53, 3, 5, 2, 4, 920, 3, 5, 2]; console.log(math.max(...nums)); // 920
const cats = ['fluffy', 'zane', 'jim']; const dogs = ['doggo', 'sir barks a lot']; const allpets = [...cats, ...dogs, 'goldy']; console.log(allpets); //['fluffy', 'zane', 'jim', 'doggo', 'sir barks a lot', 'goldy']
我们可以使用 spread 将属性从一个对象复制到另一个对象:
const feline = { legs: 4, family: 'felidae', }; const canine = { family: 'canine', furry: true, }; const dog = { ...canine, ispet: true }; console.log(dog); // {family: 'canine', furry: true, ispet: true} // note, order matters - the last property takes precidence: const catdog = { ...feline, ...canine }; console.log(catdog); // {legs: 4, family: 'canine', furry: true}
let newobj = { ...[2, 4, 6, 8] }; console.log(newobj); // {0: 2, 1: 4, 2: 6, 3: 8} let anotherobj = { ...'hello' }; console.log(anotherobj); //{0: 'h', 1: 'e', 2: 'l', 3: 'l', 4: 'o'}
const datafromform = { email: 'jim@jimelm.com', password: '1234', username: 'jimelm', }; const person = { ...datafromform, id: 2134, isadmin: false }; console.log(person); // {email: 'jim@jimelm.com', password: '1234', username: 'jimelm', id: 2134, isadmin: false}
function sum(...nums) { return nums.reduce((total, el) => total + el); } function raceresults(gold, silver, ...everyoneelse) { console.log(`gold metal goes to ${gold}`); console.log(`silver metal goes to ${silver}`); console.log(`and thanks to: ${everyoneelse}`); }
const scores = [999, 888, 777, 666, 555, 444]; const [gold, silver, bronze, ...otherscores] = scores; console.log(gold); // 999 console.log(silver); // 888 console.log(bronze); // 777 console.log(otherscores); // [666, 555, 444]
const user = { email: 'marryelm@what.com', password: '134jsdf', firstname: 'marry', lastname: 'elm', born: 1927, died: 2091, city: 'hayward', state: 'ca', }; const { email, state, city } = user; console.log(email); // marryelm@what.com console.log(state); // ca console.log(city); // hayward const { born: birthyear } = user; console.log(birthyear); // 1927
const user2 = { email: 'stacy@what.com', firstname: 'stacy', lastname: 'kent', born: 1984, city: 'boise', state: 'id', }; const { city, state, died } = user2; console.log(died); // undefined const { city, state, died = 'n/a' } = user2; console.log(died); // n/a
const user2 = { email: 'stacy@what.com', firstname: 'stacy', lastname: 'kent', born: 1984, city: 'boise', state: 'id', }; function fullname({ firstname, lastname = '???' }) { return `${firstname} ${lastname}`; }
const movies = [ { title: 'Indiana Jones', score: 77, year: 1994, }, { title: 'Star Trek', score: 94, year: 1983, }, { title: 'Deadpool', score: 79, year: 2001, }, ]; let ratings = movies.map(({ title, score }) => { return `${title} is rated ${score}`; }); console.log(ratings); // ['Indiana Jones is rated 77', 'Star Trek is rated 94', 'Deadpool is rated 79']