插件窝 干货文章 Python UnionType类型提示中如何判断成员类型?

Python UnionType类型提示中如何判断成员类型?

类型 union type value 72    来源:    2025-03-15

在Python 3.10及以上版本中,引入了UnionType,允许你在类型提示中使用|操作符来表示联合类型。例如,int | str表示一个类型可以是intstr



def check_type(value: int | str):
    if isinstance(value, int):
        print(f"{value} is an integer.")
    elif isinstance(value, str):
        print(f"{value} is a string.")
        print(f"{value} is neither an integer nor a string.")

# 测试
check_type(42)        # 输出: 42 is an integer.
check_type("hello")   # 输出: hello is a string.
check_type(3.14)      # 输出: 3.14 is neither an integer nor a string.

在这个例子中,check_type函数接受一个类型为int | str的参数value。通过isinstance()函数,我们可以判断valueint类型还是str类型,并相应地输出结果。


from typing import get_args, get_origin

def check_union_type(value, union_type):
    if get_origin(union_type) is Union:
        types = get_args(union_type)
        if any(isinstance(value, t) for t in types):
            print(f"{value} is one of the types in {union_type}.")
            print(f"{value} is not one of the types in {union_type}.")
        print(f"{union_type} is not a Union type.")

# 测试
from typing import Union

check_union_type(42, Union[int, str])        # 输出: 42 is one of the types in Union[int, str].
check_union_type("hello", Union[int, str])   # 输出: hello is one of the types in Union[int, str].
check_union_type(3.14, Union[int, str])      # 输出: 3.14 is not one of the types in Union[int, str].
