插件窝 干货文章 React 中使用 visx 的圆环图

React 中使用 visx 的圆环图

进度 progress margin class 1095    来源:    2024-10-20

您好,在本指南中,我们将学习如何使用 visx 创建进度圆环图。甜甜圈图是饼图的变体,具有中心孔,类似于甜甜圈。


为了有效地实现我们图表的功能,必须掌握其背后的数学原理。该图表是一个 360 度或 2 * pi 弧度的圆。以下是我们确定每个进度段的角度的方法:

2 * pi / (number of progress data points)

每个进度段的起始角度是通过将索引乘以 2 * pi 除以进度数据点总数得出的:

(index) * 2 * pi / (number of progress data points )

进度段的结束角度是通过将进度百分比添加到索引,然后乘以 2 * pi 除以进度数据点总数来计算的:

(index + (progress / 100)) * 2 * pi / (number of progress data points  )


(index + (progress / 100)) * 2 * pi / (number of progress data points  )


(index + 1) * 2 * pi / (number of progress data points)


开发图表的第一步是组织必要的数据。在 data.js 文件中,您将定义进度数据的符号、进度金额以及相应的颜色。

export const coins = [
    { symbol: "r", color: "#121212", progress: 30, },
    { symbol: "l", color: "#91235d", progress: 37,  },
    { symbol: "s", color: "#5ef13f", progress: 90,  },
    { symbol: "w", color: "#643dfe", progress: 50, },
    { symbol: "d", color: "#ef0de6", progress: 45, },


import { Pie } from "@visx/shape";
import { Group } from "@visx/group";
import { scaleOrdinal } from "@visx/scale";
import { Text } from "@visx/text";

const margin = { top: 10, right: 10, bottom: 10, left: 10 };
const thickness = 25;

export default function Donut({
}: {
    width: number;
    height: number;
    data: { symbol: string; progress: number; color: string }[];
    title: string;
}) {

    const innerWidth = width - margin.left - margin.right;
    const innerHeight = height - margin.top - margin.bottom;
    const radius = Math.min(innerWidth, innerHeight) / 2;
    const centerY = innerHeight / 2;
    const centerX = innerWidth / 2;

    const getBrowserColor = scaleOrdinal({
        domain: data.map((d) => d.symbol),
        range: data.map(item => item.color),

    return (
        <svg width="{width}" height="{height}"><group top="{centerY" margin.top left="{centerX" margin.left><pie data="{data}" pievalue="{(d)"> d.progress / 100}
                    innerRadius={radius - thickness + 21}
                    {({ arcs, path }) =&gt; {
                        arcs = arcs.map((item, index) =&gt; {
                            return ({
                                startAngle: (index) * (Math.PI * 2 / data.length),
                                endAngle: (((index + (item.data.progress / 100)) * (Math.PI * 2 / data.length))),
                        return (
                                {arcs.map((arc, i) =&gt; {
                                    const firstArc = { ...arc, startAngle: arc.startAngle, endAngle: arc.endAngle }
                                    const second = { ...arc, startAngle: arc.endAngle, endAngle: arc.startAngle + Math.PI * 2 /data.length}

                                    return (
                                            <g key="{`pie-arc-${i}+1`}"><path classname="{`arc${i}`}" d="{path(firstArc)}" fill="{getBrowserColor(arc.data.symbol)}"></path></g><g key="{`pie-arc-${i}+2`}"><path classname="{`arc${i}`}" d="{path(second)}" fill="{'#E4E4E4'}"></path></g>&gt;
                </pie><text classname="whitespace-wrap" textanchor="middle" verticalanchor="{'middle'}" fill="black" scaletofit fontfamily="sans-serif">
